A review by shelfesteem
The Land Beyond the Sea by Sharon Kay Penman


3.5 Stars (Audiobook edition)

I listened to [b:The Crusades: The Authoritative History of the War for the Holy Land|7282903|The Crusades The Authoritative History of the War for the Holy Land|Thomas Asbridge|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1348662175l/7282903._SY75_.jpg|8489431] (non-fiction) in 2020 so I had an idea of the path this story would take. While King Baldwin IV was not the primary focus of The Crusades, it was interesting to learn more about the leper king and his court. Penman's afterward and author's note was also enlightening. While the book is well-researched and informative, it tended to drag for extended periods of time. Had I been reading as opposed to listening to it, I probably would have abandoned it for a more captivating read.


A note about content for those who follow me for my Christian fiction book reviews:

This book was written for the general market. The only content that made me cringe was how the author repeatedly took the Lord's name in vain. 

Scenes of intimacy are steamier than those you'll find in a CBA novel. When an 11-year-old girl is given in marriage, it is not consummated until she turns 14—an acceptable age for the period. Rape is mentioned (not described). Animals are maimed and killed in battle.