A review by smakinde
Lore of the Wilds by Analeigh Sbrana


I’m actually so sad to write this. I had been anticipating this book-I mean the cover?? Come on. STUNNING… sadly it just didn’t live up to what I thought it would be.

The pacing was very jarring. If there had been more world building, more time taken to map out the characters and how they would develop, it would have been alot more enjoyable. I really wanted to be a part of Lores world more and when she has to leave it almost seemed too easy. Same for when after she escapes the castle..her and Asher just get away and it’s pages with him mad at her, which it doesn’t make any sense as to why really until the very end of the book. Then they are suddenly with friends and every other page something new has happened that it was hard to keep it organized in my head. Before we know it we are in a scene where Lore is saving her best friend from another queens palace? But it doesn’t connect. It all just seemed way too easy.

Is there romance?? No not really. Again, if the characters had been more developed, it would have been more believable. It turned into a weird love triangle? But at the same time the main MMC was gone for a good portion of the book.. so when there would have been a real chance for Lore to start something new with Findryl, it just died out. And when Asher returns they have a “moment” but then they are just jumping into the next thing. There was no real romance. Just some stolen kisses and “what could be.”

I will say, that I loved the description of the characters. I thought the author did a good job with that. I also loved how the food was described. That may seem silly, but when the author is describing a dumpling without saying the word dumpling, I could feel my mouth watering haha.

Overall, it was very hard to keep up with, but I will say that I want to read what comes out next. Congrats to the author on even writing a book. That would be so hard to do!