A review by sonyareadsstuff
Discontent and Its Civilizations: Dispatches from Lahore, New York, and London by Mohsin Hamid


“Civilizations are illusions, but these illusions are pervasive, dangerous, and powerful. They contribute to globalization’s brutality. They allow us, for example, to say that we believe in global free markets and, in the same breath, to discount as impossible the global free movement of labor; to claim that we believe in democracy and human equality, and yet to stymie the creation of global institutions based on one-person-one-vote and equality before the law.”

Not only is the title of this book brilliant, but its contents are amazing! I was first introduced to Mohsin Hamid’s writing when I read Exit West, which I really enjoyed. After reading Discontent and its Civilizations, I now see Hamid not just a wonderful fiction writer, but also deeply engaged in thinking about politics, art, and humanity. This book is split into three sections: Life, Art, and Politics, but it contains multitudes. Hamid writes with such wit and charm, tackles big ideas, and delivers incisive critiques of how globalization has exacerbated inequalities.

Some things I particularly enjoyed/learned about from reading this book:
- how the consequences of the post-9/11 “war on terror” reverberated globally, especially affecting Pakistani politics
- Pakistani politics in general (and also that there is so much about the world I do not know!)
- what happened that time Hamid told Toni Morrison he makes “a mean pasta” and invited her over to try (lmao read to find out)
- essays on reading/writing fiction: “enduring love of the second person”; “where is the great american novel by a woman?”; “are we too concerned that characters be ‘likable’?”

I hope this small taste of themes Hamid covers shows you the breadth of his thought and writing! This essay collection was such a delight to read. My conclusion when I finished this book: when I grow up, I want to write like Mohsin Hamid! 😂 Also that I *need* to go read his other novels.