A review by philippelazaro
Fingerprints of God: The Search for the Science of Spirituality by Barbara Bradley Hagerty


“I came to define God by His handiwork: a craftsman who builds the hope of eternity into our genes, a master electrician and chemist who outfits our brains to access another dimension, a guru who rewards our spiritual efforts by allowing us to feel united with all things, an intelligence that pervades every atom and every nanosecond, all time and space, in the throes of death, or the ecstasy of life.”

–Barbara Bradley Hagerty

The topic of life after death is both so divisive and sensationalized that almost always, I'd be skeptical of a book that even starts to approach this topic. Thankfully Hagerty had some of my favorite authors across various fields provide their acclaim for her book jacket that drew me in.

Actually, for a topic that usually gets either swept up in emotionalism, sensational but unverifiable accounts, or rejectionism, this book actually does a fantastic job of factoring in personal anecdotes, scientific explanations, and ways these things can perhaps come together.