A review by blodeuedd
Morhelion by Dominic Dulley


I was pleasantly surprised to see that I enjoyed book 2 even more than book 1! SO many do suffer from 2nd book syndrome, but this one upped its game.

In the last book Orry saved the Fleet from destruction. But she is back at her game now, conning people out of their money. And I like Orry, she takes no BS, she is a good person, but she is no hero.

This book has her more on her own as things go south. Suddenly there is a conspiracy. A secret agent. Something that can change the war started in book 1, and she is in the middle of it. And she is to set foot on the most horrid planet. Trust me, this is one creepy place. And I liked the adventure, I liked her more on her own. I also liked hearing a bit more about these worlds.

So yes there is action, there are power hungry people, there are whales in the sky. Creepy inbred weirdos and lots more to quench your thirst. It is quite the space opera.

And again it ends with a all is well for now, and I like that. I like having a bit of peace and quiet and not wringing my hands in torment. But there is obviously still that urge to read more. Something is coming, but what? I do wonder, and I need to know.