A review by yodamom
Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge


Narration 4 stars
Book 1 star
Major negative for me: rehashing details over and over.
The MC has some seriously crazy personality disorder going on. I love him, no I hate him, no I love that one, no I hate that one, I will never betray him, oh I need to betray him, I love my sister, I hate my sister, hate/love flick flick flick flick the dark lord is my enemy, love, enemy , love.... Her failing poetic inner dialog ramblings rehashed over and over Omg save me from this woman ! AUGGHHHHHHH.......AGRUHHHHHHHHHHHHH ! (phew) That felt good. It's amazing what running down the street screaming at the top of your lungs will do will a soul. I know there are many who enjoyed this but this MC hit almost every one of my "oh hell no" buttons.
I didn't like it at all. I had hope early on but found too many of my pet peeves to find a happy place. This is not the author for me obviously.