A review by allaboutthatromance
Reign of Brayshaw by Meagan Brandy


OH MY LANTA! this book literally had me gripping the edge of the seat the entire time. Halfway through I just said to myself “Honestly my whole world is upside down so I’m going to just ride it out.” So many plot twists, unexpected truth bombs, just wow. Raven Carver has to make a choice to save her boys but at the cost of her own heart. She is literally the true definition of a heroine. She stands tall and people follow. So many truths come to light. We see totally new sides of captain, maddoc, Victoria & raven and we see just how strong their family is. Who’s going to end up on top and who’s going to fall? I CANNOT WAIT for captains book!! He has intrigued me since book 1. I hope we finally get to peak inside his inquisitive mind. And Royce…. There is definitely more that meets the eye when it comes to him and I’m excited to discover it.