A review by libralita
Nevernight by Jay Kristoff


First of all, if you do not like extreme foul language, or graphic descriptions of violence and sex then do not read this book. Don’t let the YA label fool you.

If I had to describe this book in 1 word, I would use the word “snarky”. The book has the gritty, cruel edge to it, it’s like this entire universe with everything in it has this dark sense of humor. I guess that’s perfect for the Halloween season.

Jay Kristoff appears to love messing with the format of books. He co-wrote Illuminae with Amie Kaufman which was formatted completely different. Then this book instead going into detail about things in the text it’ll have little symbols that’ll link to the annotations at the bottom of page to explain things. Which I think is an interesting concept but I don’t particularly like it. I’d prefer the narrator just explain it in text.

“People often shit themselves when they die.”

How the hell is this Young Adult? I’ve read adult books with less and milder fowl language!

I ship Tric and Mia but I feel like Tric is going to betray Mia. Mostly because his name is fucking Tric.

“And just like that, young Tric was in love.”—Page 60

Never mind, Tric is going to die.

Why don’t people in this universe create a bunch of basements and sleep in there? Like I feel like before the curtain industry became so controlling of the market people would create underground houses. Whatever, I dunno

So instead of having a dick measuring contest, someone decided to kill Floodcaller.

So we learn that in this world you can get your arm chopped off but there’s this weird woman who can make it all better.

“‘We just bathed in pig’s blood,’ Carlotta said flatly.
‘Probably people blood, too,’ Mia said.
‘…Tell me you’re jesting.’”—Page 183

Carlotta is my favorite.

Hush needs to stop being creepy.

Also, I’m starting to get the feeling that all these people in the Red Church are insane.

Also Bookworms. I love Kristoff.

“‘Listen, girl,’ Aelius sniffed. ‘The books we love, they love us back. And just as well mark our places in the pages, those pages leave their on us. I can see it in you, sure as I see it in me. You’re a daughter of words. A girl with a story to tell.’”—Page 243

Maybe Aelius is the writer of this book. Also yeah, mark us but books like these stab me through the heart. Like when they killed Lotti. That was heart breaking because I loved Lotti, she was my favorite character.

We also get Tric and Mia’s backstory. Tric’s was heartbreaking and I was really sad. I had an idea of what Mia’s was and I was kinda right.

Hush repays Mia’s kindness, by still being a creepy mofo but gives her Lotti’s journal and she’s able to crack the code and becomes a Blade. However when the Church asks her to kill an innocent boy, she can’t and leaves. But no time for being sad that Mia failed because ASH AND OZ WERE TRAITORS THIS WHOLE TIME AND ASH KILLED TRIC.

Now when I started reading this, I figured since Tric loved Mia that Tric was going to die. But that still doesn’t mean I wanted it to happen.

But Mia saves the day however she doesn’t get to save Cassius and I’m so mad. They could have been family, figuring out what they are together and be happy. But no, he had to die. I also really enjoyed Mia and Mr. Kindly’s relationship, it’ll be interesting to see how that changes with Eclipse who seems cool.

I’m kinda disappointed that the Justicius or whatever didn’t kill Hush, I feel like that would have made life in the future books much easier.

So yeah, those were my thoughts on Nevernight by Jay Kristoff, it was dark and gruesome. But I really enjoyed it! A few kinda predictions:

At some point Maw had a son and it doesn’t say what happened to him, is he the moon? Or was Maw the moon?

Also at some point, I think, there was a scandal about Scaeva because he allowed his seven year old to be part of the army or something. That would make the kid right around the age of Mia’s brother. Maybe they’re the same person.