A review by bookbriefs
The Dragon of New Orleans by Genevieve Jack


**You can see this full review and more at Book Briefs: https://bookbriefs.net**The Dragon of New Orleans is the first in the adult fantasy series, The Treasure of Paragon, by author Genevieve Jack. I enjoyed this book, and I think I will likely continue on with the series, but it didn't blow me away like I was hoping it would. It is no secret that I love fantasy books, and I have been very into dragon tropes for the past 6 months or so. The Dragon of New Orleans was a good book and there were many things that I really enjoyed about it, but it was not my favorite dragon related story in the romance department. But first, let's start with the elements of the story that I really enjoyed. I loved that the world building in the novel. I thought Raven's abilities, and bloodlines were really interesting, and Paragon was very cool. Both are something I look forward to exploring and learning more about in the next installment. I loved some of the secondary characters, as well as the curse placed on Gabriel. Though the idea of a curse is nothing new in fantasy novels, the aspects and details surrounding his curse felt unique to me, and I really enjoyed seeing what was going to happen in regards to it. The book is well written and the plot is interesting. There are plenty of twists and turns mixed in to change things up. But still, I did find myself at times getting a bit restless while reading. Something just kept me from getting completely sucked into this world and wrapped up in these characters. It is hard to pin point exactly, because there is nothing wrong that I can single out. I enjoyed this book, I just didn't love it. I am completely in the minority here but I didn't fully buy into the romance. I couldn't get romantically connected to either of them. I liked both of them, but they just were not doing it for me together. Like I said, a ton of people on goodreads really loved the romance in The Dragon of New Orleans. They are gushing about it, so if you like fantasy romances featuring Dragons and Curses, you should totally give this book a try. It is a good read, and it might be right up your alley!

This review was originally posted on Book Briefs