A review by eowyns_helmet
The Naturalist by Andrew Mayne


GREAT fun. Reminded me a little of the best aspects of [b:The Martian|18007564|The Martian|Andy Weir|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1413706054l/18007564._SY75_.jpg|21825181] by [a:Andy Weir|6540057|Andy Weir|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1382592903p2/6540057.jpg]: Theo Cray, a computational biologist (Maynes hilariously has his character constantly struggle with how to describe himself to others) SCIENCES the S--- out of hunting down a serial killer. This is a "don't sleep until you finish" read. And Thanks to Tammy Sparks (https://booksbonesbuffy.com/) for recommending it!