A review by trike
Art of Dejah Thoris and the Worlds of Mars by Robert Greenberger


This was billed as an overview of “fine art” depicting Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Dejah Thoris over the past century, but it’s just soft porn intended for the male gaze. Specifically the male gaze of 13-year-olds and stunted incels. Pretty sure half the artists just googled a naked woman and drew from that. Even the same artist doesn’t render her the same way each time.

It’s rather pathetic, tbh.

The history of the character comes in the introduction, but no examples are given of the art from the nineteen-teens through nineteen-fifties. If you want to see Frazetta’s work, or James Allen St. John’s, or any number of other artists from the last century who depicted the character, do an image search online. If you want to fap in your parents basement, buy this book.