A review by amberisalwaysreading86
Quarterback Sneak by Kandi Steiner


A new lease on Life

Kandi's brought me to tears once again.
This story and its characters were so compelling and authentic.
The depiction of their personal struggles,and their individual reactions in dealing with grief had me crying and reminiscing in equal measures. Once you know the loss of a cherished love one, especially when their death occurred in traumatic circumstances,the pain never really goes away,and it can change you.
Seeing these characters' raw and heart wrenching emotions on page was both therapeutic, and moving.
I loved that Holden and Julep worked together to find joy. Being seen,loved and valued is so inherent to how we see ourselves. I enjoyed watching Julep blossom and bloom under Holden's watchful,tending hands,just as if she were part of his treasured garden.