A review by blackngoldgirlsbookspot
On Distant Shores by Sarah Sundin


When it comes to stories set during World War II, there's no other author whose books I'd rather read than Sarah Sundin's. On Distant Shores, the latest book in the Wings of the Nightingale series, has romance and breathtaking war-time action that make it 400 plus pages of page-turning bliss. Unlike many series' that I have read, this book covers the same timeline as the first book, With Every Letter, AND includes characters we previously met while still being utterly surprising and entertaining.

Flight Nurse, Georgiana Taylor went against her family's and fiance's wishes and followed her best friend, Rose, to war. In the midst of intense fighting, she begins to second guess her decision to become a nurse but with faith and a little help from her new friend, John Hutchinson aka Hutch, she battles through her insecurities while abroad. Hutch, isn't without his own problems, believing that he and his fellow Army pharmacists will never get the respect or the recognition they deserve. Both Georgie and Hutch overcome extreme hurdles in their personal lives and in the army and find a love that neither were looking for.

On Distant Shores captures the sisterly bond of the female nurses during combat in a realistic and intriguing way. The unpredictability of war and even the fickleness of nature amplify the danger for Georgie and her patients. From one page to the next I never knew what was coming! I could not put this book down. I liked the romance of With Every Letter a bit more than what took place in this story but still I have no qualms about recommending this book to anyone who loves Christian fiction.

~ My Rating: 4 out of 5 stars ~

*I received a complimentary copy of this book for review from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.*