A review by labyrinth_witch
Ursula K. Le Guin: Conversations on Writing by Ursula K. Le Guin, David Naimon


Published posthumously, this is a final peak into Ursula K Le Guin’s thoughts on writing, her work, and her career. Structured as a set of three interviews with David Naimon, you truly get the feel for two writers exploring the world of their craft with great care and attention.

Reading this small tomb encouraged me to think more attentively to my own writing, recalling my mind back to early days in high school when I was first being taught to write. I remembered things about myself that I had forgotten- such as knowing how to diagram a sentence. I may be the last generation to have been taught such a vital skill, and I credit it to my ability (and love of) rearranging the elements of a sentence to achieve an effect. But she discussed other things- cadence, rhythm, structure, genre writing. David Naimon serves as a wonderful facilitator, you can tell how much he admires her and has read so much of her world. Interspersed are excerpts from her essays and lectures to really quicken their discussion.

Overall, I would recommend this book to anyone who is seeking to know their craft more.