A review by staciesbooks
Twisted Together by Pepper Winters


2.75 stars

There's no sense in beating around the bush, this was poorly written.

Twisted Together feels like a drawn out fan-fiction. The characters are under-developed, immature, and cartoony. The plot was a clusterfuck. Everything propelling this story forward was revolved around kinky sex and kidnapping. The sexy parts...kinda intense, but sure I'm cool with that, bring it on. BUT how many mother fucking times can someone be kidnapped in one series? I mean once, sure I get it, but two, three, four times later?
On top of the "regular" kidnappings Tess endures through the series, one of the times Q decides to kidnap/drug Tess to in order to play therapist, and then later the lucky bastard gets kidnapped himself.
Really? It's fine...I get it...the author must not know how to write anything else. I swear, everything in this story is repetitive.

Nothing seems grounded in reality, because it isn't. I could go on and on about the lack of logic behind every plot point, but I won't. I could dive into how unhealthy this relationship is, but I won't. I could mention all of the ways the main characters became unlikable, but I won't. The whole thing was a train wreck that I somehow couldn't look away from.

That being said, some of the reading experience was fun...until the last chunk of the book. Things got corny really quickly. I fully admit that there were parts of this book that were fun to hate and maybe that's what this boils down to...a guilty pleasure hate read.

Something that I did actually like was that we got POVs from both Tess & Q. Reading from Q's perspective proved to be interesting. The smut was decent, but even that started to take on a ridiculous vibe. I don't know, I wish there was something deeper going on here. It's a fine read if you just want some BDSM smut, but I think I was expecting a bit more from this. I enjoyed the first book way more, even though it definitely had it's flaws, it wasn't as over-the-top cheesy as this one was.