A review by charireads
Once Upon a Quinceañera by Monica Gomez-Hira


Carmen lives with her mom in Miami. Three years earlier, there was a falling out with Carmen, her mom, her aunt, and her cousin. Because of this, Carmen never had a Quince. The falling out started when Carmen took her twelve year old cousin, Ariana, to her boyfriend's party (Mauro) and she drank alcohol.. Now Ariana is turning 15 and her mother is throwing her a huge Quince - Carmen has been asked to be on the Corte. This requires spending a lot of time with her cousin and aunt while rehearsing for the danza sorpresa.

Carmen also needs to finish a job during the summer to get her missed high school diploma. She ends up working with her best friend, Waverly, at Dreams Come True. She had to dress up as Belle and perform for children at parties. The Beast was late and finally showed up and it wasn’t the boy who normally played him. Carmen recognized the voice and it was Mauro.

The book focuses on the conflict between Carmen and her relatives and Carmen and Mauro.

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