A review by iwanttoreadandgetpaid
Friends in High Places by Andi Marquette


The Dirt Road Books’ blurb doesn’t do justice for what the reader is in for from this novel by Andi Marquette. Here’s what you get; character-driven drama with intrigue between Torri and Kai, two people who want to be together but their positions prevent it. I would have liked to get more from Kai’s perspective on their shared history but I suspect this is going to come out in the next installment. Torrie’s perspective on their shared past was noteworthy in that she mixed her interactions with Kai with her lessons she learned while in the academy. This feature also worked well in explaining her motivations and fears. The author also does a really good job at world building but I wanted more on the history of Newburg and I’m hoping she’ll provide more of it in the coming works. Second string characters Saryl and Jindor are interesting, leaving me wanting more specifically Jindor’s motivations towards Torri. Overall, a good space opera beginning. I’m looking forward to future installments.

I was given this ARC by Dirt Road Books in return for an honest review.