A review by mom2three
Roulette Rematch by Raisa Greywood, Renee Rose, Sinistre Ange, Livia Grant, Jennifer Bene, Shane Starrett, Measha Stone, Maggie Ryan, Ann Mayburn


One of my favorite things about this anthology is that each story, and kink, is different from the one before. There were a few kinks I'd never considered, and a few that I didn't think I would enjoy until I did. I also love that there are core characters that appear in each of the BL stories. Getting those glimpses into their relationships is like running into a friend you haven't seen in a while. There are some amazingly talented authors in this one, and something for everyone.

Heel, by Measha Stone starts off this Roulette match. It follows James and Sandra as they spin the wheel and discover more than they were expecting. One has had so many horrible experiences she doubts her worth, and the other thinks he's only good as a plaything. The story is full of heat and the way they complete each other is the true representation of relationship goals.

Rushed, by Jennifer Bene is the second story and it follows Landon and McKenna. He's a pro football player who has always been told that women will lie, betray, and destroy you. She's an actress who hides behind her characters as a way of protecting herself. She needs to drop her walls and he needs to look deeper than the surface. Luckily, the wheel has some scenes that could help them do just that.

Owned, by Renee Rose has a tie in to one of her series, and I loved that connection. Pavel is a member of the Russian Mafia and a true sadist. Kayla is a struggling actress and the college roommate of Pavel's boss's wife. He thinks she's too innocent and perfect for him and what he wants, but maybe she's just what he needs. It was really easy to love the connection these two have. The tough mafia thug with the girl who wants nothing ,ore than to find a guy she can completely surrender to. Their scenes were hot and their connection melted my heart.

Next comes Shattered,by Maggie Ryan. Braxton and Ember are rivals in the corporate world and their play is tinged with what result Roulette will have on them in the real world.This one had some kinks I wasn't aware of and that really heated things. It also took some things that I would consider more mainstream and threw in a few twists. It was spicy and sweet from beginning to end.

Cheeky, by Livia Grant is one of those stories that has characters tied to BL. Harley is a close friend of Madison's and Geo was part of the trio that opened BL. He's slightly older and more mature, and I loved the Daddy vibe he puts off. She's a bit of a brat. This one had some humor mixed in with the heat and I found it very refreshing.

Pierced, by Raisa Greywood completely gutted me. It's emotional, high on heat, and dropped me into an instant book hangover. I've never experienced sub drop, but I imagine it's similar to how I felt when this one ended. Kacy and Jafari have a history and that adds tension to their interactions. Their scenes are also crazy intense, and have kinks that aren't that common in books (at least the ones I've read). Waiting for the continuation of this one is going to be brutal.

Shane Starrett broke my heart with Bareback. It's another story that had kinks I hadn't considered, but it was really the emotional rollercoaster these characters go through that tore me apart. Their scenes are hot, but there is so much more going on in this one. There are so many things I want to say about this one, but spoilers suck so I'm just going to say that I'm glad his story continues and the wait isn't going to be too long.

Butterfly, by Ann Mayburn is the perfect story to follow Bareback. Tori, or Butterfly, is exactly like the nickname she has. She's small, full of energy, and peppy. She gets matched with a hairy, giant named Soren. It satisfied all my lumberjack fantasies, and had the perfect blend of serious and silly. The scenes were exciting and intense, and I loved the characters.

The last entry in the anthology is Forbidden, by Sinstre Ange and it was everything I've come to expect from this talented author. I'm just going to say butt stuff. Serious, that's all you need to know. Oh, and that there's a touch of taboo that adds to the heat.

Black Light Roulette Rematch introduced me to a few new authors, reminded me of why I love some of my favorites, and reconnected me with some of my all time favorite characters. There wasn't one story that I didn't absolutely love and hope gets expanded in the future. If you haven't visited Black Light you are seriously missing out.