A review by shane_tiernan
Smashed, Squashed, Splattered, Chewed, Chunked and Spewed by Lance Carbuncle


I wouldn't say that Mr (Rev?) Lance Carbuncle and I are soulmates or anything, but I believe we share certain twists in personality. Really other than his fascination with all things scatological and his not liking Ronnie James Dio in Black Sabbath (or was that just his character?) I think we would get along just fine.

This is the second book of his that I've read and I think I actually liked it better than [b:Grundish and Askew|6774979|Grundish and Askew|Lance Carbuncle|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1347219135s/6774979.jpg|6975258] which was a more serious novel about scat (and maybe Ronnie James Dio too, I can't remember). This was just really freaking funny.

I wanted to call it "white trash noir" but it's not really that (maybe because that's not a thing? Is that a thing?) There's a bunch of metaphysical stuff going on so maybe "Trailer Supernatural"? I mean it's definitely in the "absurd", "gonzo" thing but I feel like it could be further categorized, maybe for no other reason than to create a category that Mr. Carbuncle can be made famous for.

So what I'm saying is read it, it's probably not like anything you've read before.