A review by exlibrisbitsy
The Masqueraders by Georgette Heyer

Born to a father set on having adventures, Prudence and Robin Tremaine have lived a life on the run. They constantly are moving (often fleeing) from one place to another, and often have to do so in disguise. After Robin and his father take part in the failed Jacobite rebellion they split up and flee into the country side. Robin meets up with his sister, who stayed out of it, and they decide to swap genders to thoroughly hide Robin in the last place anyone will ever look – in a set of petticoats – to prevent him from being hanged. Prudence then becomes Mr Peter Marriot and Robin becomes Miss Kate Marriot.

Together they travel to London and hope to meet up with their father there. That’s when they meet Sir Anthony and Letitia, Letty is currently attempting to elope with a Mr Markham only to find that he is a brute and not worth marrying, her attempt to change his mind on this score proves dangerous though. With the siblings help (a false swoon by “Kate” and a swift uppercut with the hilt of a sword by “Peter”) they rescue Letty and restore her to Sir Anthony, a friend of her father’s. In that meeting “Kate”, er, Robin falls hopelessly in love with Letty and “Peter”, er, Prudence falls hopelessly in love with Sir Anthony. Now, in true Georgette Heyer fashion, the stage is set for a romp unlike any other!

This book was one of her earlier works and that definitely comes across in her writing. Her characters, her plot development, and her dialogue is just not as refined and well done, and that little extra twist of humor seems to be missing here. It is a wonderful book though and if I didn't have her later works to compare it with this book would have been wonderful all on its own.

I loved reading about a female masquerading as a male credibly and showing that a woman can operate and work in the male environment just as smoothly as if she had been born to it if given half a chance. Prudence is admitted to a gentleman's club, smokes, drinks, takes snuff, plays cards, gambles, and gets into a street fight (through no fault of her own). Robin meanwhile is stuck going out on drives with old ladies, visiting with female friends (one in particular), and sits around in petticoats hiding yawns behind a fan. It is soon realized though that they are not managing to hood wink everyone and that's when things really start to take off.

Any fan of historical romance would love this book to pieces. Especially if you enjoy adventures, sword fights, daring rescues and lots of intrigue. Seeing a female in a sword fight, and a male flirting in a dress are just perks to this ridiculously wonderful book. You won't regret reading it.

Favorite Quote:
Mr Merriot cocked an eyebrow at Kate, and said: - "Well, my dear, and did you kiss her good-night?"
Miss Merriot kicked off her shoes, and replied in kind. "What, are you parted from the large gentleman already?"
Mr Merriot looked into the fire, and a slow smile came, and the suspicion of a blush.
"Lord, child!" said Miss Merriot. "Are you for the mammoth? It's a most respectable gentleman, my dear."
Mr Merriot raised his eyes. "I believe I would not choose to cross him," he remarked inconsequently. "But I would trust him."
Miss Merriot began to laugh. "Be a man, my Peter, I implore you."
"Alack!" sighed Mr Merriot, "I feel all a woman."