A review by betherin02
His Baby Bond by Lee Tobin McClain


His Baby Bond is a fun, opposites attract romance set in the beautiful Rocky Mountains. Kendra is living in a rugged environment with a baby to care for and a business to run, that’s a tall order to fill! I really admire Kendra’s work ethic and creativity.

Zeke doesn’t mean to be a jerk, he’s just used to getting his way as a corporate bigwig. His prejudices against Kendra made me want to shake him at first but he redeems himself with his devotion to his brother’s baby. There’s just something special about a man with a baby!

I love the whole concept of the Sacred Bond Brotherhood series. These young men have experienced the grace of a second chance and vowed to do good and keep each other accountable. The series is packed with variety, characters with different backgrounds and multiple settings.