A review by vikcs
Baby Girl by C.M. Stunich


 I really enjoyed this new story by C.M. Stunich. It was different from her usual books, not just because it’s not reverse harem, what she writes mostly lately but think it’ different from her earlier stories as well.

Baby girl is a fast paced, emotional and mostly raw romance, not as much teetering on the edge of taboos but still representing quite a few unconventional relationship elements. I think the warning in the beginning of the book is phased in an especially brilliant way. It sums up the atmosphere of the story quickly, simply but really efficiently. 
Thanks to the pace of the story I think the story didn’t leaves as much of an emotional impact as it could have. Don’t get me wrong there is still plenty of heart wrenching moments in it but I think it could have been stronger.

The plot is simple and straightforward but really exciting, dynamic and eventful. The whole storyline has a beautiful and really thought out arc. I particularly flew through it.
The plot mostly concentrates on grief and moving on. It paints a beautiful picture of different ways of grieving, and while personally I can’t really relate to the loss Phoenix and Embry experienced I had a bit of a problem how the girl acted. 
Her reaction to her loss is locking down and pretending it never happened while expecting from others to let her handle her feelings as she likes. I can understand this but when she started to criticize and judge other for the way they grieved, she started to piss me off. And this one wasn’t the only thing in her personality and actions I didn’t like but somehow the plot and the other characters just faded out her negative traits. 
I liked Phoenix even if he made a lot of bad decisions; he is kind of the victim of his circumstances. Yet I loved him in all his glory. 

The phenomenal plot, with the interesting characters and a couple of small things that I love in books like the MMA element or the tattoo shop just created the perfect combination. I enjoyed it and while I don’t know if it’s a stand alone or we can except other books but either way I’m good with it.