A review by bobsvoid
Hooked by Love by Toni Aleo



It's currently 4am and I've just finished reading this. First, I always enjoy reading Toni Aleo stories wether it's a 2 star writing or a 5 star one. She always keeps me entertained and I generally love the plots. I also think she's one of the best authors when it comes to writing hockey romance novels.

Now lets talk about my favorite Sinclair brother, Jace. I love this kid man. He's the baby of the three brothers which means he deals with the brunt of the teasing. In book one he just milks all the adoration his mother gives him and it's so stinking adorable. He's in my swoon worthy men shelf because he really made me feel that way. I'm rarely sold on the insta romance, but I swear to god I would've fallen for his lines too. He's so disgustingly sappy I love it. I also love how much teasing he gets for it too. His relationship with his family is amazing. A family man, great lover, and smooth talker makes him nearly perfect. There's a specific part in this book when Jace talks about Avery and I knew he would be the best. I have a list of book boyfriends in my head and Jace is going on it this instant.

I'm going to come out and say that I really love Avery too. She's a strong ass woman and deserves praise for it. She's had such an unfortunate life being in the shadow of her siblings. I really feel so sad for her when we finally get to know her story. She has some rough edges, but you can't completely fault her. By the end of this book I was so proud of how far she came as a character.

Like I said I'm not into quick love stories. However, here I am eating my words. Their relationship is fast paced, but for some reason it feels perfect. I feel the chemistry and love between them. So far in this series they are my favorite couple. It might also be that when conflict arrives it's both of their faults. I can't find a way to blame one more than the other. It also helps that they're good at coming back together which makes happy.

I love hockey man. I love the way Aleo integrates hockey and romance and so much drama. 100% recommend this book.