A review by becsa
Reign by Elizabeth Knox


Elena Johnson is engaged to Rich but ends it as soon as she catches him cheating on her. Now she decides it's time for her to get back into the field as an FBI agent and is going undercover with the Skulls Renegade MC.

Meeting Reed Michaels, the President of the Skulls Renegade MC is not what she imagined and soon she gains his trust and learns what the MC club is really about.

But when her past comes back and jeopardizes everything will Reed stand behind her or will he turn on her himself?

This was a great introduction to the series and the Skulls Renegade and I am definitely curious to see how everything goes in future books.

Elena was definitely a tough girl yet we have no idea what she has had to endure until we learn about her past. Then it sheds a whole new light on everything and you wonder if she has a personal goal to bring all MC's down.

Reed was definitely not what I expected, nor was his MC club. I really thought his club was great and I hope they get to do more in future books but I wonder if everything can come crumbling down on them with the events towards the end of the book.

I was curious to see how Elena was going to handle everything that happened in the book in regards to her job and what she was given. I am hoping that she is able to keep up with her job in future books as I like the idea of everyone working together.

The ending had some great twists and I am looking forward to more in the series.