A review by gamerboy09pc
The Book of Questions by Pablo Neruda


Why don't the immense airplanes
fly around with their children?

Which yellow bird
fills its nest with lemons?

Tell me, is the rose naked
or is that her only dress?

Why do trees conceal
the splendor of their roots?

Is there anything in the world sadder
than a train standing in the rain?

How many churches are there in heaven?

Does smoke talk with the clouds?

Why do leaves commit suicide
when they feel yellow?

Why does the hat of night
fly so full of holes?

What does old ash say
when it passes near the fire?

Why do clouds cry so much,
growing happier and happier?

For whom do the pistils of the sun burn
in the shadow of the eclipse?

Is peace the peace of the dove?
Does the leopard wage war?

Do tears not yet spilled
wait in small lakes?

What does autumn go on paying for
with so much yellow money?

And at whom does rice smile
with infinitely many white teeth?

And what did the rubies say
standing before the juice of pomegranates?

Why doesn't Thursday talk itself
into coming after Friday?

Who shouted with glee
when the color blue was born?

What do they call a flower
that flies from bird to bird?

Isn't it better never than late?

Why is it so hard, the sweetness
of the heart of the cherry?
Is it because it must die
or because it must carry on?

Was it where they lost me
that I finally found myself?

In the end, won't death
be an endless kitchen?
What will your disintegrated bones do,
search once more for your form?
Will your destruction merge
with another voice and other light?
Will your worms become part
of dogs or of butterflies?

Cannot a kiss of spring
also kill you?

What do they call the sadness
of a solitary sheep?

If the flies make honey
will they offend the bees?

What's new for the leaves
of recent spring?

In winter, do the leaves live
in hiding with the roots?

What did the tree learn from the earth
to be able to talk with the sky?

Does he who is always waiting suffer more
than he who's never waited for anyone?

Where is the child I was,
still inside me or gone?
And why does my skeleton pursue me
if my soul has fallen away?

Is the yellow of the forest
the same as last year's?

And is where space ends
called death or infinity?

What weighs more heavily on the belt,
sadnesses or memories?

Hasn't the meadow caught fire
with wild fireflies?

Why did I return to the indifference
of the limitless ocean?

Does the living drop of mercury
run downward or forever?
Will my sorrowful poetry
watch with my own eyes?
Will I have my smell and my pain
when, destroyed, I go on sleeping?

Do we learn kindness
or the mask of kindness?

What are cyclones called
when they stand still?

With which stars do they go on speaking,
the rivers that never reach the sea?

If all rivers are sweet
where does the sea get its salt?

How do the seasons know
they must change their shirt?