A review by ld2
Pup by SJD Peterson


I really wanted to like this book. The blurb has all the elements that I look for in my reads: kink, BDSM, hurt/comfort, and romance – with a delicious looking book cover. However, once I started reading, I was disappointed. Phrases like “real Doms” or “real subs” are a huge turn off for me. BDSM is such a personal experience that looks differently for each person and relationship. To imply that there’s a “one, true way” is not healthy and sounds pretty ignorant. The fact that both Tacket, the Dom, and Micah, the sub, spoke in this manner, made them sound like internet newbie role players rather than seasoned BDSM club members.

Another issue I had was with how Micah was treated. Tackett was pretty frustrated with Micah’s “flighty” attention span. However, from how the author characterized Micah, it sounded like had a bad case of ADHD which is definitely not the same as being “flighty.” I couldn’t understand Tackett’s methods and tactics in controlling Micah’s ADHD, and it all felt a bit emotionally abusive.

Overall, this book left me feeling confused over what I read, and was definitely not to my taste.