A review by bookish_manda
Burned by Ellen Hopkins


I read Burned very quickly, and enjoyed it very much. It is about Pattyn, a 17 year old girl who is the oldest daughter of seven siblings with a submissive mother and abusive father. This book is the story of her exile to her aunt's home in Nevada for the summer, where Pattyn discovers more about love and herself.

Burned made me feel so many emotions. I truly wanted Pattyn to break free from her oppressive and abusive father. I wanted a happy ending for her. I will say that one of my emotions included a little bit of anger towards Hopkins' representation of the LDS church. I am not Mormon, but I have several friends who are. I think when an author pairs a bad situation with a religion they have to be careful that readers are given some positives about other representatives of the same faith or else it sounds like they are generalizing and stereotyping that faith in a negative light.