A review by raven168
The Krinar Exposé by Anna Zaires, Hettie Ivers


I'm such a sucker for the Krinar. As evidenced by the fact that I already read The X-club, I already bought Vair, and yet I still went and bought this one. These strong, dominate aliens can come for me any time they want. I'll be honest as to really why though. Because I was promised more Korum and Mia! As soon as I saw that, I preordered this right away. Gawd how I love Korum. But sadly, that epilogue was not worth the extra $4 I spent to get it.

This really put into perspective just how short The X-club really was. But these two books went together smoothly and before I knew it, it was over. While I really did enjoy this, there were some things that I just didn't get. Like, why Vair claimed Amy the first time he saw her. Was it lust at first sight or something? Because at that point he never even knew she existed. It also bugged me how Amy acted a lot. How she wouldn't accept or admit her own desires and put everything onto Vair. This wasn't nearly as hot or as fun as the main trilogy either. Maybe because it was so much shorter.

Amy is a journalist and she's tired of always having to write fluff pieces for the paper. So she takes it upon herself to research and try and find one of these Krinar x-clubs people talk about online. How fortunate that one is in the same city as her. She gets more than she bargained for though when the owner of the club she goes to takes an intense interest in her. And before she knows it, he's owning her body and then she's waking up back at home. That's about where the first story ended.

Amy writes and publishes her article thinking that it would be pulled if it says anything they don't want out there. She's riding high on the success of her writings but also can't stop thinking about her night with Vair for a whole month. Everything comes crashing down when all of a sudden she's being shown video of that night while at work. Fueled by panic, she grabs her stuff and flees the office only to be intercepted by Vair himself. He's waited all this time for her to come back to him, and when she doesn't, he comes for her. She can't resist him and it's all too obvious how much he wants her. From there, she's left confused about her feelings and desires for him. But she can't stay away and he refuses to let her go. Somehow culminating in them falling in love with the other.

It was interesting when we find out Vair's actual role on Earth and what the real reason for his club was. And I'm not sure it was supposed to be, but I thought Amy's mom was kind of funny in her psycho over paranoia.