A review by interrobang
Out of the Vinyl Deeps: On Rock Music by Daphne Carr, Nona Willis Aronowitz, Ellen Willis, Sasha Frere-Jones, Evie Nagy


I liked this so much that it just reminded me how much I usually hate reading music criticism.

From the intro: "Ellen would surely agree that we won't see a revival of revolutionary sentiment until we learn to make it fun. In that respect, Ellen, Emma Goldman, and Abbie Hoffman are part of a lost tradition - radicals of desire."

One great sentence: "Using other people's and other eras' forms, making sure we heard the innocence or the silliness or the melodrama, Midler communicated her need to love and be loved, but without stripping herself naked."

The end of an article about Grand Funk Railroad that seems prophetic: "The fragmentation of the rock audience is just one symptom of social and political developments that cut pretty deep; I doubt whether one person or one band, no matter how potent, can put it back together— not now, anyway. And when we're ready for the next cultural upheaval, the catalyst may not be teenagers— or even music."