A review by kappareads
The Bone Maker by Sarah Beth Durst


I won an eARC in a giveaway run by the publisher. All opinions are my own!

The Bone Makers is an adult fantasy that asks “what if after the big fantasy adventure, the adventure isn’t over?” Picking up 25 years after Elkor, the Bone King, murdered hundreds of thousands in a vain attempt at revenge, the land of Vos is in peace time. However, the hero who initially defeated Elkor is anything but peaceful, frantically trying to find a way to revive her dead husband who died 25 years ago.

I really loved this take on the aftermath of adventure. The classic hero group has scattered and moved on with their lives until they no longer can when danger looms ahead. Everyone is dealing in their own ways, both poorly and very well.

They really were a classic 5-man band, which was really cool! You could really tell they were all friends, which I appreciated! There was tension because some of them hadn’t talked in over 25 years, but you could tell they had history.

The dialogue was funnier than I anticipated considering this book is about bone/blood magic with undercurrents of dealing with grief. That being said, there were parts where it felt like too much because they were bantering in the middle of a tense situation so that cut some of the tension too much?

It you’re worried about the world-building of an adult fantasy novel being hard to decipher, the bone magic was very straight forward. There were three different types, reading the future, creating constructions, boosting abilities. At no point was I confused, so I’d recommend this if you want to get into adult fantasy but are afraid of being confused.

I rated this book 3.5 stars! The adventure held by interest, the characters were good, overall would recommend this adult fantasy!