A review by debs4jc
The Strangler by William Landay


Set in Boston during the time that the Boston Strangler was active, the book chronicles the affairs of the Daley family. This touches on the strangler investigation, as lawyer Michael Daly works on the investigation. Brother Joe Daly is a cop. And the other brother, Ricky, is a thief. They all become interested in who the strangler might be, after reporter Amy Ryan, Michael's girlfriend, is strangled. But is her death the work of the Strangler, or is it the work of someone who didn't like the investigation she was pursuing into how Joe Daly Sr., also a cop, was killed?[return]This story took me a while to get into, it's one where there are many layers and characters to keep track of. There is a lot of grusome detail in it too. The many threads are woven together well at the end, albiet with a lot of violence. Fans of crime fiction and true crime stories will enjoy this one.