A review by ruthyroo
The Spark by Jules Wake


Jess and Adam meet at a party one summer and their attraction is instant....but Sam has a girlfriend. After meeting a few more times, they are unable to deny their attraction. Sam breaks up with his girlfriend and, several months later, Jess and Sam become an item. But Sam’s ex Victoria has other ideas and is determined to make things difficult for the new couple.

I’ve read a lot of romance type novels this year. With everything going on in the world, I’ve just not been able to face anything that’s too grim and realistic so the escapism of romance books with their almost-always-guaranteed-Happy Ever After has kept me entertained and distracted. With that in mind, I can say that The Spark is one of the better ones I’ve read this year.

The vast majority of romance novels spend the entire book building up to getting the main characters together, throwing obstacles in their way only to resolve them and allow them to finally unite. This mixes things up a bit and gets our MCs together pretty early....and THEN throws the obstacles in their way. The main obstacle is Victoria, Sam’s ex and I think the book does a good job of showing that she’s not necessarily the bad guy here. Yes, she does some awful things and acts terribly at times but both MCs recognise that she is hurting and that’s the motivation for her actions. Jess in particular feels Tempe does guilt for her involvement in their breakup given that she experienced her parents breakup as a child when her father met someone new.

The book did a good job of showing that things are complicated and there’s always two sides to every story. An enjoyable read with likeable leads and interesting relationship dynamics.