A review by curseofachilles
The Reckoning of Noah Shaw by Michelle Hodkin


UPDATE: July 10 2020
A friend of mine just asked me what I think of this series and I was about to show her this review until I realized this review doesn't make any sense.

But you get it, right? I HATED this book


Well, what a huge disappointment.

So the reviews are right after all. This book sucks.

You know that little suspense we have in The Becoming of Noah Shaw? Gone.
You read that gripping mystery and mind fucks in the whats-real-whats-not way in Mara Dyer Trilogy? Fucking GONE.

Let me kick this off with saying that nothing like absolutely fucking nothing happened in this book.

I thought the first book is bad enough but it was still okay. Turns out it could get worse.

Please Michelle stop. The entire series is getting so weird. And I’m so angry because the original trilogy deserves better than this badly-written fan-fiction.

Deep breaths

The Reckoning of Noah Shaw is a confusing book. I mean don’t get me wrong, a good book should be confusing; it’s supposed to make the readers want more and confused as to what the hell is going on. Reckoning, however, is confusing and not in a good way.

The book opened right after that scene in the first book and things started to go from there. The problem is, nothing happened.

Okay, the first book sucks but something happened at the very least, and I was compelled enough to find out why the suicides were happening. This book, however basically consists of one, Noah and Goose getting drunk and being stupid, and two, the little ‘twist’ in the end (or rather, it’s supposed to be a twist. But at that moment I hated this book so much and wanted to get it over with that I don’t fucking care).

The problem with the previous book is that Michelle Hodkin, purposefully added new mysteries in the hopes that the readers would be on the edge of their seat just like what they (and me) do when we read the Mara Dyer Trilogy. However, she seems to be trying so hard that these strange happenings form this… guessable pattern. These ‘mysteries’ happened so often that they get all mangled up and we’re fucking confused. Now, the problem with this book, however, is that it explains absolutely nothing except for the useless ‘reveals’ here and there. It’s that bad.

Also this book is filled with pointless thoughts of Mara (who isn’t even in the damn book!) and pointless Noah and Goose scenes where they act like proper Englishmen. I always appreciate couples who love each other unconditionally but getting into Noah’s thoughts of Mara is quite depressing. There’s no single chapter when he doesn’t think about her (who again, is not in the book) and they’re filled with these weird metaphors that he sounds like someone obsessed? I mean seriously it’s creepy as hell. He sounds like someone so drunk in love he could go mad. I used to love Noah so much I mean he was like a hot sex god back in the Mara Dyer trilogy and this series had ruined my love for me. I don’t even like him anymore. He’s just downright annoying.

Also there are pointless scenes where Noah and Goose talk about anything else such as man I don’t even know what they’re talking about and the fact that I’m Asian is not helping. And they happened so often in between scenes. Have you read Teardrop? if you haven’t, don’t bother it’s a really bad book. That book has absolutely nothing going on except for obsessive thoughts about the main character’s significant other. Add that with weird strange happenings, a London background and shitty pointless conversations about polite Englishmen and you get The Reckoning of Noah Shaw.

This book, or fanfiction as I like to call it, should not have existed. The entire series shouldn’t have existed. It ruined the original Mara Dyer trilogy. The plot is not going anywhere and I fail to grasp what the heck is going on. The story should’ve ended with Retribution. This entire series is pointless and unnecessary enough said.