A review by therainbowreader
Something Like Fate by Susane Colasanti


Something Like Fate was my first read by Susane Colasanti, and I’m sorry to report, this book sucked.

Going in, I wasn’t sure what do expect. I LOVE books that deal with love triangles between best friends and their boyfriends (Something Borrowed, You and Me and Him, First There was Forever) But SLF was lacking…well everything.

Writing: A big issue I had with this novel was the writing style. It was so bland and simple, it made reading an instruction manual sound more interesting. There was hardly any description whatsoever within the text. Barely any beats between the dialogue so you never knew who was speaking. And when there was, it was always “I go” “I’m like” she’s like” “he’s all”, instead of the classic, he said or I said. Yeah, that’s authentic to how some teenagers tell stories, but it was annoying as hell to read about.

Characters: Lani herself was quite annoying. As someone who hates astrology, I was definitely rolling my eyes hard during this book. There was sooo many pages about horoscopes and what it means to be a Taurus/Leo/Libra. She couldn’t shut up about astrology. With her love for fate and the unknown, Lani definitely had the mindset of an eleven year old versus a high school student. I was pleased to learn that one of Lani’s best friends – Blake - was gay. Unfortunately, he just ended up being a stereotype. The typical story of a closeted gay who had his locker defaced and daddy issues. Nothing new to see here. I really admire books with LGBTQIA characters where they’re more than just the sidekick – this isn’t one of those novels. Also, the friendship between Lani and Erin felt genuine at first but as the book went on, I couldn’t tell why they were best friends.

Instalove: Yep, Something Like Fate could be renamed, Something Like Instalove. Because Lani and Jason got it bad. After they first met, Lani just keeps going on and on about their “amazing” connection even though they don’t really know each other. And she just swears they belong together. Their love is all told, not shown. Instead making me feel things about their relationship, the author just kept reiterating “They are in love! They have such a deep connection! They’re meant to be!”

Overall, this book lacked a lot of tension. I was waiting for the big blowup, the nervousness of sneaking around and getting caught, but the ending was extremely anticlimactic. Do yourself a favor and pick up First There Was Forever instead.