A review by scorpstar77
Yaqui Delgado Wants to Kick Your Ass by Meg Medina


Piddy is a little bit miserable: Her best friend moved away and is going to some fancy private school; her mom moved them out of the apartment building she's lived in her whole life; and now she has to go to a new high school that is super-sucky compared to her old school. And then, to top it all off, some mean girl she's never even HEARD of decides she hates Piddy and wants to kick her ass.

This is such a great story of a smart kid with good family support who gets bullied for no apparent reason, and all of the bad things that happen because of it...and what happens when she finally breaks down to ask for help. As well as changing friendships, some teenaged making out, and the effects that bullying can have on a person. I felt for Piddy so much - I wasn't even bullied much as a teen, but I remember the fear of the bullies. I thought this story was so real and had so much heart - I tore through it very quickly.