A review by bookbriefs
The Morrigna by Rachel Rawlings


**You can see this full review and more at Book Briefs: http://bookbriefs.net**The Morrigna is the first book in the Maurin Kincaide series by Rachel Rawlings. the Maurin Kincaide series is an adult urban fantasy series that reminded me of Desires of Demons by Debra Dunbar, in the fact that there were lots of paranormals coming together. I had some issues with the world building in this one, but once I got into the swing of the book it was a nice read. Nothing earth shattering, and it wasn't my favorite book that I have ever read, but it was good. And hardcore fans of urban fantasy and paranormals should check out this series, because there are already 4 or 5 books out, so you can get your instant gratification fix.

The redeeming thing abut The Morrigna was the main character, Maurin Kincaide. I really enjoyed her, and if I do continue on with this series, it will be because of her. I also really enjoyed the romance aspect of this story. It wasn't who I initially pegged that it would be with, which was a fun surprise for me. Although, as soon as we were introduced to the real love interest, it made perfect sense to me.

The hard part for me was that we were dumped into this world rather abrubtly, right in the middle of the characters day. It seemed like were were coming into the middle of this investigation without any real development of the who or the why. We were left to figure those things out on the fly. It felt like I was reading a second or third book in the series. I wanted a little more backstory up front. A little more on the lay of the land and who the big players were. But I stuck with it, and once I pushed past my initial confusion (and I was pretty confused for the first 1/3 of the story) the plot starts to gain some real momentum, which was nice. Once that happened, and I was able to get into the plot, I started enjoying the story more.

The Morrigna is packed with action and tons of paranormal creatures. Psychics, witches, demons, vampires and all the typical sorts are out to play, with a special interest in the witches. This was a good first book, but I still felt like the world was lacking up front.

Bottom line: if you can't get enough urban fantasy and paranormal romances, this is a series to add to your TBR list. You will be able to read the books back to back and they have a strong main character. If you are picky about your world building, this book gets off to a slow start on that front.

This review was originally posted on Book Briefs