A review by chiaroscuro
Whisper of Sin by Nalini Singh


You need padded walls and Jesus.

What is there to say? All there is to Ria and Emmett's love is insane attraction, which is lazy writing for what's supposed to be a goddamn romance novel. With this and #0.5, my paranormal romance journey is off to a terrible start. I would honestly rather live out my days in Tartarus than be pursued by one of these DarkRiver jokesters, who seem like utter fucking nightmares. What does DarkRiver even mean? Like a polluted river? It kind of sounds like an edgy computer virus created by the shadowy big business villain of a Netflix original that'll get a cult following but cruelly cancelled after its third season.

Anyway now I'm going to read the first full-length novel, but if it proves a disappointment I owe it to my sanity to bow out of this genre. Or at least this series.