A review by tea_tales_tomes
Science Comics: Cats: Nature and Nurture by Andy Hirsch


Delightful graphic novel all about cats, their domestication, physiology, behaviours, and our strange fascination with them. The graphic novel is a really compelling and accessible format for kids to engage with complex science. I read this to my six- and three year old boys and had to stop and explain quite a few concepts during the readaloud. It didn't take away from the experience, it just provided a platform for a little more science discussion which is always welcomed in our home. We also sometimes stopped and Youtubed some things which really added to the experience - videos of a cheetah chasing after a springbok or videos of different cat species and how articifical selection has resulted in so many different cat phenotypes. It took us about two weeks of before bedtime reading to finish the book but if I judge it by how much my boys asked for the book, it definitely gets a two thumbs up from me. On to the next Science Comic! According to the Moongazer, we will be reading "Brains"