A review by tsukikomew
Cake by Lauren Dane


This review was posted at Tsuki’s Book Blog on September 21, 2013.

I really love Lauren Dane's erotic contemporaries. I've followed the Brown Siblings for two years now and am eagerly awaiting book six. When I saw this one popping up on NetGalley I snatched it up. The premise was intriguing and the cover was hot!

Wren, a messenger/graphic artist is totally hung up on a sexy sculptor named Gregori. Gregori is at the top of his game artistically and has made it in the industry. The only thing holding him back is his failed marriage and his unwillingness to commit to a woman. As Wren and Gregori grow closer and closer, they have to decide if a relationship is something they can handle. Can Gregori let go of his failed marriage and can Wren make him see she's the woman for him?

I really loved both characters. Gregori was the perfect combo of sexy-hot artist and brooding rich guy. He owned who he was and didn't apologize but was secretly miserable. At the same time Wren was an interesting woman who wanted to make it on her own but knew what she wanted. She wanted Gregori and she wasn't about to hold back.

The sex scenes were scorchers and the moments Gregori and Wren spent together were equally spicy-hot and adorable. I loved how they were in their non-sexual romantic moments. Wren fought for Gregori with everything she had. She wanted him, she owned it, and she made it happen. She wasn't about to let her slice of cake vanish.

My only hang-up was over Gregori contributing nothing to the actual love story. He screwed up, he didn't grovel. He made the mistake and he got the girl. Wren was the one who made everything happen. While I like to see things flipped on their head it was disappointing when Gregori was the one who screwed up. I really hate it when the person who didn't screw up does all the work.

This was not the flagship for the line of Cosmo Red Hot Reads but it certainly was red hot. I really
wish it had been longer since I really liked Gregori and Wren. I often fall in love with the characters in novellas and then it ends so quickly.

This was worth the free read but I would wait for a sale before picking it up. 1.99 seems like a sweet spot for these books.

3 Stars
Published by Harlequin
September 15, 2013
150 Pages
Provided by--NetGalley