A review by kathydavie
Ashes of Victory by David Weber


I had a higher degree of unsettlement with Ashes of Victory than any of the previous eight novels in this series. It felt like more of a holding action despite the variety and impact of activity which occurred. Distractions kept breaking off my reading whereas my attention had been glued to the previous stories.

A bit untimely on my part, but I finally remembered to mention the leader of the 'Peep' Republic, Rob S. Pierre. Who just happens to be based in Nouveau Paris. I think it's safe to assume Weber is influenced by the French Revolution and the Committee of Public Safety when he started handing out names and titles to his Citizen Admirals, etc.

I do enjoy the fun Weber has with warship names...the William T. Sherman for instance in this novel for instance. And anyone with an interest in signing will enjoy the experiment in teaching treecats a true two-way communication with their persons.