A review by mishale1
Inconceivable! by Tegan Wren


Hatty and John meet in a bar on karaoke night.
Hatty is a journalist intern and John is a prince, the future heir to the thrown.
They fall in love and things get complicated. Hatty is not the kind of girl you'd expect to marry a prince, and depending on who you are in this story that is either a compliment or an insult.

The first sections of the book are about Hatty and John falling in love and getting engaged.

The final chapters are about Hatty not being able to get pregnant.

I'll admit, I wish there was a bit of the middle here. I'd have loved to also read the part of the book when they were happily married before the infertility issues came to a head.
I guess my only "criticism" is that I want more of the story :)

Poor Hatty, I felt sad bad for her for all the terrible pressure she dealt with. A royal not being able to have a baby is a scenario I never thought about. Wow. What a stress that would be!

I loved the ending!