A review by fairestskyebooks
Expendables by Alison Ingleby


A gritty and dark dystopian read where every question is answered with a back-handed slap to the face.

Though a bit slow at the start, Expendables picks up quick with mystery and heart pounding adventure. If you thought life in the world of The Hunger Games was rough you need to visit Ms. Ingleby’s London. A wall separating London and Wales, impassable and guarded. Gangs roam The Outside, while The Inside is a paradise.

Told between Aleesha and Trey’s point of view this was an amazing portrayal of what would happen if our country lost most of its landmass. Starvation, corruption, riots, violence, all threaded together with the hope of a better life.

I truly enjoyed this book and can’t wait to read the sequel.