A review by kiraly
Redoubt by Mercedes Lackey


This was definitely better than the previous book in the series, but it still leaves things hanging in a way that makes me think there is a fifth book on the horizon. The conclusion is a little more satisfying and less rushed than in the previous book. I still wouldn't recommend anyone read this series unless they have read other work by this author first ([b:By the Sword|28735|By the Sword (Heralds of Valdemar, #4)|Mercedes Lackey|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1348225596s/28735.jpg|29234], [b:Arrows of the Queen|13986|Arrows of the Queen (Heralds of Valdemar, #1)|Mercedes Lackey|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1296358547s/13986.jpg|834071] and its sequels, [b:Winds of Fate|13995|Winds of Fate (Valdemar Mage Winds, #1)|Mercedes Lackey|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1348306174s/13995.jpg|1040567] and its sequels...there are plenty of trilogies set in this same world with overlapping characters, and a number of other series like the Elemental Masters or Five Hundred Kingdoms, so take your pick). I feel bad telling people not to start with this one because I love Mags as a character, but the middle two books were pretty rough.

One of the things that I've seen unfortunately often in Lackey's recent books is a lack of refinement. I appreciate how fast her books come out (and how many different series she has), but I wouldn't mind waiting longer to read a more polished product. One of my biggest pet peeves (and I've complained about this before) is characters' names should be written consistently. There wasn't any blatant name-changing this time, (see my review of [b:Home From the Sea|12974280|Home From the Sea (Elemental Masters, #8)|Mercedes Lackey|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1348660781s/12974280.jpg|18132839] for the Siarl/Niarl fiasco) but at this point in the series, someone besides me should be noticing when one of the main characters' names is written "Dalen" instead of "Dallen". In fact, I shouldn't be noticing because it should have been fixed before this was published. I don't think this is necessarily the author's fault, but since things like this keep happening in her books I am losing respect for her editor.

On a final critical note, the title of this book makes no sense. I looked it up, and "Redoubt" is a word for a fortification or defensive structure. It doesn't seem to connect to the book or the previous titles in the series, which don't have much to do with each other anyway but at least sounded all right together. Foundation, Intrigues, Changes, Redoubt...they just don't seem to fit.

With all of that off my chest, I did appreciate this book. It wrapped up some things (the Bear and Lena subplot was well done) and opened up some others.
For instance, the connection Mags now has with the Sunlord and Karse. Although I could have sworn that what this book calls "Suncats" were called "Firecats" in the Mage Storms trilogy...maybe in the centuries between this book and those the name changed. Yeah, let's go with that.
I am looking forward to the next one (if there is going to be a next one) with much more enthusiasm than I had before I read this.