A review by paddlefoot55
Inked Playboy by Alex Wolf, Sloane Howell


ARC received for an honest review

We have had the Collins brothers, now it is time for their cousin Harlow to find her HEA.

*fanning self* my, the sexual tension between Harlow and Cole (Dex's BFF), you can cut it with a knife, slap it on a slice of bread and eat it right up.

I feel that Harlow was brought into Cole's life to drive him bonkers, and she did this well.

There was a little something missing with this installment compared to the previous books, I am just not sure if I can put my finger on exactly what it was. I think I was missing a bit of the oomph that the previous books had.

I feel that I wanted more fight/passion between them.

But this could just be me.

I liked seeing more of the Collins boys and their lovely ladies, and love the family dyanamics.

I look forward to more from this duo.

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