A review by jacqueleenthereadingqueen
Captive Mate by Eliot Grayson


I was having a super hard time getting oriented to this book when it started because I couldn't recall a ton of details from the first book [b:The Alpha's Warlock|51940349|The Alpha's Warlock (Mismatched Mates #1)|Eliot Grayson|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1583030802l/51940349._SY75_.jpg|76538977]. I read it back in March and I've probably read 100 books since then and there was apparently a lot going on in that one. I gave it 4 stars though so I know I enjoyed it which is why I finally picked up book 2.

Arik and Matthew started out as a lie. Arik is a shaman and uses his magic to force Matthew to fall in love with him. It mimics a mating bond. Unfortunately for Arik, he isn't immune to all parts of his own spell. The two need to be together in order not to feel sick. Matthew needs Arik's touch to keep himself from going on alpha on him. It's a delicate balance and after all the time spent together Arik starts to see how Matthew is different from any of the alphas he has ever had the displeasure of meeting. Matthew is kind and caring. No matter how much the "bond" makes him want Arik he refuses to take him against his will.

Arik doesn't know what to do with a person like Matthew. He has no experience with genuine good men. Finally he decides it's time for him to make his escape, but he cannot leave without letting Matthew go. It wouldn't be fair to a man like Matthew to die pining away for a liar like him. This is where finally, FINALLY, Arik makes a good decision. I wanted to scream YES! see everyone he is not all bad!! But of course then Arik takes off and joins up with the Kimball pack. Yes you heard that right, the pack he previously lived with and attacked Matthews pack with. Back to dumb moves I see. At least this time he decided to give Matthew a heads up.

Arik was really hard headed. Matthew was so open and honest with him about everything he was feeling, even after the spell was lifted and he still kept his head in the sand. He had such low self esteem he couldn't interpret how Matthew was basically telling him he loved him still. His mind always went the wrong direction. This in turn led Matthew to believe Arik was ambivalent to his feelings and didn't return them. It literally took until 90% in for Matthew to break and just lay it all out there in plain English so no misunderstanding could be possible. It was a good thing too because Arik needed it.

The book kinda ended abruptly after they cemented their relationship. I would have liked a bit more to the epilogue. I also am so super curious about the Vampire and Dor, well MOSTLY Dor. I hope he gets a book soon.