A review by fadingapple
The Brides of High Hill by Nghi Vo


This was unexpected, refreshing, unique, impactful - in very few pages. At roughly 100 pages, this novella packs a powerful punch that will leave you feeling fully satisfied and yet thoughtful. This is a story you have to experience - my words or descriptions would be far insufficient.

I adore the concept of a scholar monk travelling to gather stories to add to the archives, and using that knowledge to survive situations that should not be survivable. This addition leans much more heavily into the lore and magic that is extremely real in this world - Chih finds themselves in a tricky situation and it's only dumb luck, Almost Brilliant, and their collective stories that save them. It felt different than the other stories but just as captivating. 

It's just so well done and extremely obvious that Vo knew the story she wanted to tell and had a passion for it; it takes a special kind of skill to write so much in so few words.