A review by a_bailey
Cities of Dust, Planes of Light by Samantha L. Barrett


This is a themed anthology with stories by Samantha L. Barrett, Sarah Daly, Jamie Lackey, Diane Morrison, and Cat Rambo. The idea of this anthology was to collect 5 short stories with the theme of science fantasy and I believe strong female lead characters. If that last part isn’t an official part of the theme, it ended up being one anyway. Air and nothing Press is a small press based out of Pittsburgh that publishes mostly science fiction and fantasy. They also have some poetry in their catalogue.

I really enjoyed this collection. Each story has it’s own interesting and unusual take on science fantasy, some leaning more towards the science and some more towards the fantasy.

I think Cat Rambo's story, “A Hand Extended”, this is the strongest story of the batch. I consider Cat to be among the top short fiction writers of our time. Don’t believe me? Go read one of her collections. The story takes place in a fully realized world unlike any I’ve read about before, and I’ve read some kooky stuff. The main character joins The Army of the Holy Hivemind out of desperation. But in order to become a member they must pass a test, and of course it is a deadly one. The characters are interesting and refreshing and with depth. The world is engaging and deep and the plot has an a rare uplifting energy to it.