A review by mandalor3960
One-Punch Man, Vol. 1 by ONE


Great beginning to the series. The satire behind One-Punch Man being able to kill with one punch and the introduction of Genos is interesting. The chapters are short and pleasing to read.

Rating Update 27 May 2019
Four stars to three stars. The beginning of the latter chapters on the House of Evolution lower the rating to four stars.

Rating Update 11 June 2019
With the adoption of my new rating system, a four star rating is befitting. The original aurora of great enjoyment that overcame me after I finished the volume is what keeps the volume at four stars. Outside of that, the last two chapters on the House of Evolution, which I considered mundane chapters after reading the synopsis, would have lowered the volume to a three star rating, as it had during the rating update from May 27, 2019.

January 20, 2020
After reading the synopsis for each chapter in this volume on the wiki, I have found the chapters are mostly independent from each other and can be rated independently. Unfortunately, I cannot remember any of my responses to the chapter (hence why I have changed the rating color from green with a grey outline to grey with a grey outline), although I do recall finishing the volume and being enthralled with it (though with what parts, I do not know). All I have to go in support of the four star-rating is the original review and the first and last sentence of it: "Great beginning to the series" and, "the chapters are short and pleasing to read".

March 7, 2020
Further support for the four star-rating comes from the memory of "finishing the volume and being enthralled with it", as the update from January 20, 2020, states. This is a memory I still recall at the time of writing this update.