A review by beckiebookworm1974
War for Earth by Erin Raegan


This is the third book in this series I actually decided to start from the beginning with this to refresh my brain so I reread book one and two to fully appreciate this one.
This fills in the blanks that were left when Tahk took Peyton off to Home World.

Tahk left Fihk behind on earth as acting commander in his stead.
His mission to impede the vitat invasion in whatever way he can whilst Tahk tries to get permission from the galactic council to interfere in the human invasion.
He also promised to locate Peyton’s mother Linda to repay a debt he feels he owes.

His task is not an easy one the humans are suspicious and hostile when it comes to the Dahk and there’s also rebellion brewing amongst their own species.
Whilst going recon on the planet surface Fihk and his team run into Bailey and her brother Nate, the former just trying to keep them both alive the best she can.

Bailey is initially sceptical and suspicious when it comes to these new aliens and that’s without all the sniffing and biting that just makes her even more skittish around them.
We learned in previous books all about the special bond of Pythe and Pythen well baileys hit the motherload here with two of these intense connections.

First, we have Olynth who because of past trauma and his iron control is able to hold back the mating rage he knows just who Bailey is to him but refuses initially to solidify this connection instead just watching over Bailey and keeping her safe.
Then Fihk is also affected and goes into a full-blown psycho mating rage with only one way out.

What I liked here was the struggle both males had initially with their instincts and jealousy’s it wasn’t an easy acceptance they never made her choose they just had to get there on their own terms and thankfully they both did.
Both males provide something very different for their mate and she loves them both equally.
So for clarification, there’s no M/M here and this was mostly one on one sessions and near the end, they come together to both pleasure Bailey on a couple of occasions but this is all about their mate and she’s the focus of it all and also their entire world.

This was a sexy hot read with plenty of chemistry Olynth is a beast between the sheets he’s all dominant control which included bondage and lots of growly orders.
Fihk has a much sweeter vibe but is still equally male and together they are protective and very possessive over their new mate.

Bailey and her brother are both foster kids and each other’s chosen family and as such Bailey doesn’t give her trust easily.
She’s defensive prickly and used to taking care of herself her priority is Nate and she like a ferocious mother bear when it comes to him.
Both Olynth and Fihk definitely had their work cut out in winning her over but their actions do speak louder than words.

This was action-packed very hot and a great addition to the series.
This is well written and the world-building is fabulous I’m incredibly excited to see where this series goes next.
Definitely recommend this series it’s one of my favourites.

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Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm