A review by brianzhamilton
101 Great American Poems by The American Poetry and Literacy Project


Never really having read poetry, I picked this book up to acquaint myself a little better. There are some really great poems in here, and this book serves as a good introduction into the art. The following is a list of authors and their poems I liked, in no particular order except the order they occur in the book (which is roughly chronological according to when the authors lived):

William Cullen Bryant
* “Thanatopsis”

Ralph Waldo Emerson
* “Concord Hymn”

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
* “The Arrow and The Song”
* “The Children’s Hour”
* “The Day Is Done”

Edgar Allan Poe
* “Annabel Lee”
* “The Conqueror Worm”
* “The Raven”

Herman Melville
* “Misgivings”

Walt Whitman
* “I Sit and Look Out”
* “O Captain! My Captain!”
* “When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer”

Frances E. W. Harper
* “Bury Me in A Free Land”
* “Songs for the People”

Emily Dickinson
* “Because I Could Not Stop for Death”
* “Death Sets a Thing Significant”
* “My Life Closed Twice before It’s Close”
* “Success Is Counted Sweetest”
* “There Is No Frigate like a Book”

Emma Lazarus
* “The New Colossus”

Ella Wheeler Wilcox
* “Solitude”

Edwin Arlington Robinson
* “Richard Cory”

Stephen Crane
* “I saw A Man Pursuing The Horizon”
* “War Is Kind”

Paul Laurence Dunbar
* “The Lesson”

Robert Frost
* “Fire and Ice”
* “Mending Wall”
* “Nothing Gold Can Stay”
* “The Road Not Taken”
* “Two Tramps in Mud Time”

Carl Sandburg
* “Fog”
* “I Am The People, The Mob”

Vachel Lindsay
* “Abraham Lincoln Walks at Midnight”
* “Euclid”
* “The Leaden-Eyed”

William Carlos Williams
* “This Is Just to Say”
* “The Widow’s Lament in Springtime”

Robinson Jeffers
* “Shine, Perishing Republic”
* “Shine, Republic”

Marianne Moore
* “Poetry”

Claude McKay
* “The Tropics in New York”

Edna St. Vincent Millay
* “First Fig”
* “Recuerdo”

Langston Hughes
* “I, Too”
* “Mother to Son”
* “Still Here”

Countee Cullen
* “For Paul Laurence Dunbar”
* “Incident”